
Things To Do When Bringing A Puppy Home

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Posted By Melody Anderson

It is a happy and exciting occasion to bring a new puppy home. As your puppy adapts to their new home, they will need a lot of love and care. You need to make some preparations and decisions before your puppy comes. You will have to puppy-proof your house once you decide on your puppy and begin to count down the days till the big day. In addition, you will need to plan essential veterinary appointments, establish house rules, get the supplies you need, and decide how to meet people. 

However, once you come home with your puppy, make sure to visit an animal vet in Bradenton, FL, where multiple pet specialist doctors can help with the puppy’s upbringing. 

What Should You Do Once You Bring Home A New Puppy?

There are a few things to do and choices to be taken regarding rules before your puppy comes. These include:

  • Buy the Proper supplies.

Your new puppy will need a bed or crate to sleep in. Bowls for food and water are essential. Make sure the diet is full and healthy, and your veterinarian might assist you in selecting the best puppy food for your breed. While training your puppy, a harness might be required, but for walks, a tag, collar, leash, and harness are essential. 

  • Make a puppy-proof home.

Pick an area for your dog to sleep. A popular way to give them the feeling of having a peaceful, safe place to relax is crate training. Decide where the animal will eat. Make sure that their meal is out of their reach. Baby gates are a great way to establish boundaries if there are areas of your house that you do not want your puppy to enter. Check your home for any potential hazards for your dog to chew on, such as toxic plants, cleaning products, wires, or other things. 

  • Find a veterinarian.

Early training and routine can help your puppy develop into a well-mannered dog. They must get examined and immunized as soon as possible. These travels will be easier if you choose the right veterinarian for you and your dog. 

  • Introduce them to their family. 

Once your dog is comfortable in the house, let them explore specific areas. One by one, introduce family members to your dog to avoid overwhelming. Reward them when they use the restroom and let them know where to go. Gradually familiarize them with other pets in the house to prevent anger or aggression.

  • Put rules in place.

It helps your puppy understand limits if you teach them the home rules from the very beginning. You will have to determine stuff like their sleeping plans, furniture approval, and table scraps.

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