
The Importance of Learning Multiplication

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Posted By Georgia Edwards

Soon after kids have learnt addition and subtraction, they are taught how to multiply. Most kids find this transition to multiplication very daunting and often struggle with the concept. But learning how to multiply is crucial for a child’s math education. So, it is essential to teach children how to multiply the right way.


When they have a strong foundation, multiplying numbers and solving problems becomes second nature for kids. But kids might argue and question why they have to learn multiplication when they can easily calculate using their phones and calculators. While we do have calculators and phones handy, there are some situations where you can’t use them. In such situations, it helps to know how to multiply to perform fast calculations. 


Multiplication is the foundation for more advanced math concepts like algebra, calculus, long division, equations etc. A sound knowledge of multiplication tables for kids helps children understand these concepts easily. Additionally, it’ll help them tackle problems confidently too. 

The Benefits Of Learning Multiplication


Here are some advantages of learning multiplication:

  1. Math confidence: Multiplication is one of the basic mathematical skills. It is the foundation for several other advanced math concepts like long division, least common multiple, algebra equations, geometry etc. Mastering multiplication at a young age builds the child’s confidence and helps them tackle math problems without fear.
  2. Essential skill: Multiplication is one of the basic math operations that everyone must have in their math toolkit. Knowing how to multiply numbers come in handy in several aspects of life. From cooking, shopping, paying bills to even investing in the stock market, multiplication is a necessary skill. Sound multiplication knowledge helps children calculate easily and quickly too.
  3. Promotes strong number sense: Multiplication, like other arithmetic operations, is just manipulating numbers. The more they learn to multiply, the stronger sense of numbers they develop. Number sense is a key math skill that is necessary for all mathematical concepts. It’ll also help children develop their counting, grouping, estimation, measurement skills etc.
  4. Better problem solving skills: Once they have a keen understanding of multiplication, kids become better at solving problems quickly. Additionally, it’ll build a deeper understanding of the concept, which will help them focus on learning and solving more complex problems. This will help them apply their knowledge meaningfully and help them succeed in math.

The Different Areas Where You’ll Need To Use Multiplication

Multiplication might seem complex at first, but it actually simplifies things and makes our life easier. Here are 5 areas where knowledge of multiplication will come in handy.

  1. Cooking and baking: Multiplication is very helpful when it comes to cooking and baking. It helps you calculate the amount of ingredients in a trice, whether you want to scale a recipe up or down, the cooking times etc. If you know the 3 times table, you’ll easily be able to triple the recipe. 
  2. Vehicle repair: Knowing how to multiply will come in handy to repair a vehicle efficiently. It’s necessary to measure the pistons, overhaul the engine, install a new gearbox and even to calculate the amount of fuel needed to drive a certain distance. 
  3. Travelling: Multiplication is also useful when you’re travelling. It helps you calculate the distance, time required and even money exchanging.
  4. Stock trading and investment: If you like to trade in the stock market and invest, multiplication should be like breathing to you. 
  5. Photography: Photography is another field that relies heavily on multiplication. Calculating the angles, distance, depth etc need multiplication knowledge. 

Learning how to multiply doesn’t have to be very difficult. You just need to allow children to spend some time learning the basics and set a good foundation to promote better multiplication learning.

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