
Edentulism- Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Posted By Kam McKee

Between 2007 and 2009, around 6.5% of adults between 20 and 79 suffered from edentulism in Canada. But what is edentulism? It is a dental condition wherein an adult loses either all their teeth (complete) or only some (partial) teeth. Of course, everyone wants to have a cheerful, bright, and confident smile. 

Of course, losing teeth in childhood is normal. Permanent teeth replace baby teeth, which is nothing one should worry about. In fact, it is common for older adults too. And there are certain ways you can try to avoid that for them. If you need dental care for your family in Burlington, ON, click the link.

How is edentulism caused?

You must have seen a lot of seniors suffering from some form of dental issues, and edentulism likely is one of them. It is safer to avoid the habits of or make changes in your lifestyle by understanding the causes.

  • If your oral care is bad, there is a high probability that you might get oral diseases like periodontitis or tooth decay that lead to teeth loss. As plaque accumulates, it provides the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that damage your teeth and gums.
  • Osteoporosis is another reason that leads to loss of teeth. In this condition, the bones become weak due to demineralization. This also affects The jaw bone, so they fail to support the teeth.
  • You need to eat healthy and avoid sugary foods that damage your teeth. Bacteria that cause tooth decay thrive when you consume high-sugar-content foods. You must also consume foods rich in Calcium and Vitamin D, as your bones and teeth need those minerals to stay healthy.
  • Due to genetic factors, some people are highly susceptible to teeth loss.


While it is pretty easy to identify if someone has edentulism, it would be better to recognize the symptoms early on and consult a dentist if you feel something is wrong.

  • The gums become swollen, abscessed, or start receding
  • Your teeth start wobbling
  • You have bad breath
  • You notice gaps between your teeth and gums


There is no fixed solution for this condition. In fact, you need to discuss with your dentist which is the best method to restore your teeth:

  • Using dentures that act as a removable set of teeth customized to fit perfectly into the patient’s teeth
  • Getting implants is also an option, but it involves invasive surgery to attach an artificial tooth to your roots
  • Artificial teeth, or bridges, are installed in between two natural teeth or dental implants so that they provide support

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